Saturday, January 06, 2007

Let's Organize

see this needs organization. This is what I talk about when I say this is my word of the year. Hope, wish, dream, do these things and I will achieve to be organized. I small detail at a time. Taking this picture will help me to look back and see the past not the future. Let's hope.
I See Ritz crackers that need to be put in the pantry
Febreeze spray that needs to go where the cleaning stuff goes. Putter's envelope that his new sleep apnea machine came in. I see a movie it goes in the living room. I see a coffee pot that I need to return to the store. I see my sewing box, and sewing machine those need put away. I see laundry on the table. I see my old purse. These items have been put here and disgarded by all that live here. We just keep walking by the flat spot. Hmm. See what I mean.

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