Saturday, January 13, 2007

livin on pain pills

this is the year I had pain pills introduced into my life.
Had a grandson,
was out of shape,
thru out my neck,
it was a horrible pain that rang out the night
but, the doctor came by with a moraphine delight,
add some percocet to that and you'll be fine,
next they say it's steroids getting inserted in the neck,
oh what a joy that will be.
That's it.
entered later. shann called and said we are getting desperate for pics. She is taking pictures of chocolate, brandi went and dug some pics of last years tulips out, and I have resorted to taking pics of my medication. I am laughing so hard at what she said and it's so true. Thanks shann. I will try better tomorrow. We got a lot more days left of this fun of ours.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I promise to try for a better picture today too. I worked all day yesterday, came home and made a tasty dinner before Mike went to play cards with the neighbor guys. Got the kids in their p.j.s and played with them...and when it came time to post a photo I came up blank.