Wednesday, January 31, 2007

no Rain

No Rain in Oregon for a week now.
The is Nick's drinking bowl. Ha Ha
There is a layer of ice on the top.
Oregon has had a few full buckets of rain of these
but right now it's sunshine and cool temps.
Yee Haw.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Guess I am missing Hawaii!.
Pulled this one out of the archives from Nov 05
Ah peace.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Justin's idea of folding clothes. He washed all his clothes Today. He is moving out to a duplex with a friend of his. So he thru his clean clothes in the laundry bag and is covering it with a garbage bag.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

They call it a pic line

This pic line goes in thru a vein and then winds it's way up to above your heart and drops the antibiotic in that way. It is an effect way to get anitbiotics to the patient. So twice a day we give Putter his Antibiotic. It's called Bankomiacin and it cost's the Bank. Insurance cost is 375.00 per dose, two does a day for 12 days yikes. What are part of the cost will be I have no idea. But, the big guy is home now and much happier. Sooooo that there picture kids, is a pic line.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Desk is a Mess!

And I wonder why I cna't create anything.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Thursday, January 25, 2007

More of what I do.

These are a few signs I have on the walls in my house.
I thought I would share them with you.
I need to do some more. It's a lot of fun to put crazy sayings
and inspirational thoughts around your home.
Happy Thursday Everyone!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Card Night AGAIN

This is what we made tonight. Haley Hosted.
We had fun. It's so nice to get together with the girls and yak yak yakity yak
(2) 6x6 scrapbook pages (1) 3 x3 card (1) 41/4 x 51/2 card
Great time had by all.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Okay since were being scary looking Shann
Here is my pic of the day.
I started taking vitamins the other day

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Heart Candles

I Heart Candles..... Not flowery smelling ones. Yuck give me a break, I hate ones like that. I Heart the ones that say, banana nut bread, christmas eve, sugar cookies, home sweet home. all the yummy ones. The ones that when you walk in the house you think that some dear sweet person has baked. The wonderful aroma without the calories. I Heart Candles

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Peanut's Hidy Hole

This is were Peanut likes to hide when I am on my computer.
She gets under my desk with all the other crap and lays down.
She has done it forever. Nicky knows better than to try
and get in there with her. Ha the dogs crack me up.
Gads I am having a hard time with this picture of
the day thing lately. Must mean I need to get out more.
Hmm. I am still thinking

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Yeah fun mail

Shann sent me fun mail. I love it thank you so much. I had
been waiting for this cute little calendar. My dogs
are now all pimped out. Way Cool
thanks Shann

Friday, January 19, 2007

My two best buds

These are my two best buds.
Putter works nights
So these two little sweeties
Keep me company at night
I love these two little silly's
Nicky is on the left (shannon calls her Cow Dog) She is 5
Her Daughter is Peanut she is 4
These guys are wonderful company every night.
I really think I would have a hard time being alone at night
if I didn't have these two.
They are there to warn me when something is wrong
If I am in the Bathroom and the phone rings Nicky comes and barks to tell me the phone is ringing. Peanut always lets me know when it's feeding time. She talks alot. Not really barks but talks. Peanut goes to work with me alot. She begs every morning to go. Nicky she could careless. Nicky doesn't like to go on car rides. Peanut loves car rides. They love to cuddle. Yes they are desperatly in need of hair cuts!
I love my buddies.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Magnetic Board
I have been waiting one of these.
Mom got it for me at Christmas.
Now I need to Jazz it up
(desperate pic day yes)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Thanks Brandi!

Brandi's recipe is wonderful.
Easy, Moist, We love it.
Banana Bread

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Got my stampin up order today. 3 stamp set. gonna have to play with them. I have to cut the rubbers out and build the stamps and then wala magic may occur. That's my pic of the day

Monday, January 15, 2007

Target, Practical and Valentine's Day Stuff

Well, after I got off of work today I went to Target.
It is a big deal because I really never go shopping anymore. Really,
Well, I got a Target Gift Card from Virgil, Putter's Dad for
Christmas so I decided to go look for something
To I buy Practical, or fun, or what.
Well I know I needed new dish rags. So I got some of those
AND AND AND Here is the fun part. To Heart Pot holders you can put
your hands inside. Two pink beaded coasters. A valentine towel for the bathroom
and two heart dish towels. Fun fun fun. I am glad I went to Target and got Pracitical and fun items. So that was target!.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My scooter

spent the day with Jack Jack today. He rolled everywhere he went. So of course this will be my picture of the day. He can get up on hands and knee's and scoot backwards. Were just trying to find first gear, Hope when he finds it he will engage. It was a good day with Jack. He napped from 12:30 to 2:30 and of course so did I. Jack and Nana love to nap together. Ha ha ha

Saturday, January 13, 2007

livin on pain pills

this is the year I had pain pills introduced into my life.
Had a grandson,
was out of shape,
thru out my neck,
it was a horrible pain that rang out the night
but, the doctor came by with a moraphine delight,
add some percocet to that and you'll be fine,
next they say it's steroids getting inserted in the neck,
oh what a joy that will be.
That's it.
entered later. shann called and said we are getting desperate for pics. She is taking pictures of chocolate, brandi went and dug some pics of last years tulips out, and I have resorted to taking pics of my medication. I am laughing so hard at what she said and it's so true. Thanks shann. I will try better tomorrow. We got a lot more days left of this fun of ours.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cow Dog

This is Nicky my first Mini Schnauzer... Shannon calls this the Cow Dog.
Nicky is always wanting to be in control. She yaps at visitors and tries to nip at them. When the other dogs play to rough she yells at them.
She is a sweetie though. And she loves attention. Have a good day!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

January Snow.

I am waiting for my camera to charge so that I can get my pics from my camera to the computer to my blog.

It tried to snow a little more today in Oregon. We are at the 500 foot level. The streets were clear the roof tops and cars and lawns were covered with snow. It's suspose to be Brrr tonight. I grew up in the snow so until we get snow packed roads and some good sleddin runs, it can be pretty boring. Oh well . That is about the whoop of today.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This is Melissa our Stampin up teacher.

we have been having Melissa teach us stamping techniques for around 3 years now. She is alot of fun and we have all learned alot from her. She is always trying to get me to sell the product. But, she is so good at it. I want to keep her around so she has to keep coming and teaching us. Ha ha, She is a sweetie.
i'll be late tonight I have a card meeting!!!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tuesday's Pic

This is what I see when I walk out my front door.
My son is back. I have endured these events since
he started driving. It is amazing what a toyota pickup
can be reduced to so many times. He has probably had about
6 or 7 or maybe more of these trucks. He has now resorted to this.
Makin' crawlers out of them. Mom, doesn't it look sick. My sick and his sick are on completely differently ends of the earth. Look at that trailer he tows things around on amazing.
He towed that trailer all the way to Illnois and back.
Gads. What a horrific Piece of Shit. Sorry kid!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Gads! Justin doing the dishes

Man, this is a rarity, Justin is helping his dear old mom.
He is actually cleaning up his mess, dishes etc. and other people's
also. He is doing the dishes. Let is be plastered in history.
Justin Smith helped his mom with
domestic duties. I am trying desperately
not to pass out.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Vinyl, What's Vinyl

Vinyl Signs!
After I got off work today. Putter and I
Made these signs for a local Swap Meet for
Next weekend. This is a sample of some of the Vinyl
I do. Just wanted you guys to be able to
have a sneak peak at it.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Let's Organize

see this needs organization. This is what I talk about when I say this is my word of the year. Hope, wish, dream, do these things and I will achieve to be organized. I small detail at a time. Taking this picture will help me to look back and see the past not the future. Let's hope.
I See Ritz crackers that need to be put in the pantry
Febreeze spray that needs to go where the cleaning stuff goes. Putter's envelope that his new sleep apnea machine came in. I see a movie it goes in the living room. I see a coffee pot that I need to return to the store. I see my sewing box, and sewing machine those need put away. I see laundry on the table. I see my old purse. These items have been put here and disgarded by all that live here. We just keep walking by the flat spot. Hmm. See what I mean.

Friday, January 05, 2007

C is the main

Okay, It's Offical
I am going to Start Collecting C's.
My mom got me this nice C from a Place called
Poet's Card. It's a bunch of Chopped up Glass
It's Cool. Thanks MOM. I want to find unusual C's
What fun it will be an adventure to be on.
C is for Callie

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My baby jack Jan 4, 2008

My Sweet Baby Jack Pepper!
I love this child. There is so much to say about him and his short 8 months on this earth so far. I could go on forever. Jack has a cold again I am watching him at his house tonight. While his mom is off going shopping for groceries. I love baby Jack!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Didn't expect to find this on my camera

so here is my pic of the day. My computer monitor. I can stare at this thing for hours.
I love on the things I see and learn everyday on this computer.
It's awesome. Thanks

So as I take my picture of the day I am downloading And I come across this picture of Justin that he took of himself. I thought it was amusing, made me laugh. Silly kid.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Cold Feet

Seems Lately me feet are always freezing. I have a size 6.5 shoe size,
Putter wears size 14. My feet have been freezing so
I have resorted to stealing Putter's warm soft cozy overly big socks.
They really help to keep my feet warm. Now
When I put on my regular socks I freeze to death.
So Putter's socks it is. He is so Kind
to share with me. I love Him!
so my size 6.5 foot is in those socks somewhere.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The one drink in my life, that makes sense for me.

Yep it's Diet Pepsi
I am a diabetic, so it's Diet Pepsi or Water.
I only like it out of a can, no plastic, no on tap
at a fast food restaurant that can't calibrate
their machines correctly.
So here is cheers to you!